Use "under his orders|under his order" in a sentence

1. His orders were to keep the men under observation .

2. Under his seat, between his legs.

3. His muscles rippled under his skin.

4. His muscles bunched under his shirt.

5. His teeth gleamed under his moustache.

6. 6 His teeth gleamed under his moustache.

7. He tucked his napkin under his chin.

8. Bobby finished his homework under his own steam.

9. Blood on his coat, knife under his bed.

10. He apprenticed under his father.

11. Austria prospered under his Chancellorship

12. Liver cells under his arm.

13. Petrov got under his skin.

14. He chafed under his illness.

15. piercings, just under his cock

16. He' s here under my orders

17. or held under administrative detention orders.

18. His confession was extracted under torture.

19. His name is under a cloud.

20. His hand slid under my chemise.

21. Enemies have fallen under his sword

22. I shifted uneasily under his gaze.

23. Three ships fall under his command.

24. A twig snapped under his foot.

25. You were right under his nose.

26. His curiosity can lead to his coming under demon control.

27. Now his biggest concern is keeping his excitement under wraps.

28. Never complained of tenderness under his arms or his groin?

29. 18 His hair under his straw hat was sopping wet.

30. They will set out in the same order as they encamp, each in under his standard.

31. His private life came under media scrutiny.

32. Uncle Ted's chair collapsed under his weight.

33. Under his apparent calm lay real anxiety.

34. His directorship has come under fierce attack.

35. He was counting slowly under his breath.

36. His affections were kept under continual restraint.

37. He concealed his key under the doormat.

38. He was smarting under his father's rebukes.

39. I gained valuable training under his tutelage.

40. They function under his control and direction .

41. Rucell's wry smile under his handlebar mustache.

42. 1 I shifted uneasily under his gaze.

43. He muttered a curse under his breath.

44. He's got a knife under his coat.

45. His wife, Claudia, lies under yonder tree.

46. His property has been kept under sequestration.

47. His dishonest behaviour came under severe censure.

48. 2 His confessions were made under torture.

49. She was now completely under his sway.

50. The phone was wedged under his chin.

51. The organization certainly prospered under his stewardship.

52. She felt embarrassed under his steady gaze.

53. He was still under his father's thumb.

54. Snapped it in two under his boot.

55. He ruled a line under his name.

56. 5 His confession was extracted under torture.

57. The floor felt uneven under his feet.

58. Under his visionary leadership, the city prospered.

59. 1 Gilbert was cursing under his breath.

60. What volcano of emotion must have been boiling inside that youngster under his teasing and laughing, under his occasionally expressionless face?

61. 5 With his huge body, he overbore his opponent under him dead.

62. The gaunt young inmate fished his bowl out from under his cot.

63. He kept his savings under his bed, secure from the prying eyes of his roommate.

64. The sheriff slept with his gun ready to hand under his pillow.

65. • The patient had purple Blotches under his eyes

66. 10 Uncle Ted's chair collapsed under his weight.

67. 7 Under strict management, his business gained ground.

68. Under his bare toes the floor felt gritty.

69. 2 She felt embarrassed under his steady gaze.

70. The gun made a bulge under his jacket.

71. And Jonathon, in his cabin under the eaves?

72. He claims his confession was extracted under torture.

73. He cloaked his evil purpose under sweet words.

74. They kept him under observation until his trial.

75. He produces films under his banner, Fairview Entertainment.

76. My new hat was squished under his hips.

77. She heard him murmur something under his breath.

78. 2 His dishonest behaviour came under severe censure.

79. He received a bequest under his grandmother's will.

80. The bumblebee sizzed right under his straw hat.